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10 Essential Resources for Black Business Owners
by Sharita Humphrey
April 30, 2024
Empowering Black Entrepreneurs for Growth and Success

创办新企业的初期阶段是令人兴奋的. Your mind may be racing with ideas and questions. 

如果你是一个黑人企业家,刚刚开始这个冒险,寻找正确的资源,以帮助你导航的基本步骤,开始你的业务, you’ve come to the right place. 要明白,创业之旅可能会感到孤独,但你永远不会孤单. 有一些组织和项目提供教育, support, 专门为黑人拥有的企业提供资金和补助.


1. Black Business Alliance

This U.S.总部位于美国的非营利组织提供研讨会和培训, loan opportunities, technical assistance, networking and matchmaking opportunities, and more. 这些举措提供给康涅狄格州和全国的中小企业. Memberships start at $250 per year.

2. Black

这个全国性非营利组织旨在消除美国黑人的种族贫富差距. 它也为黑人企业主提供了交流的机会 与商业相关的教育项目、活动、事件等 funding through pitch competitions. On top of that, Black Connect还有一个指导项目,帮助黑人企业家创业. Membership fees start at $25.  

3. Black Owned Everything

重点是帮助黑人经营的服装销售企业, accessories, and home goods gain publicity on a national level, Black Owned Everything 是一个零售网站,其目标是“提高黑人品牌的知名度”,” especially those still getting their momentum going. You may check out their Instagram account so you can apply to get featured on their site.

4. Coalition to Back Black Businesses

Starting small doesn’t necessarily mean starting slow. 如果你的黑人企业只有3到20名员工,而且是在一个经济脆弱的社区, 你就有资格获得由支持黑人企业联盟提供的补助. These grants, including follow-up mentorship and training, 如果你的黑人企业需要帮助,能帮上很大的忙吗.

5. Elevate Together

这个非营利性的倡议通过与全国城市联盟的创业中心和美国商业协会的合作,为拥有五名或更少雇员的黑人和西班牙裔企业主提供支持.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. In addition to providing business owners with mentors, Elevate Together offers business workshops, technical assistance, cash grants, 或者向他们支持的黑人企业皇冠现金官网产品或服务.

6. National Black MBA Association (NBMBAA)

NBMBAA成立于1970年,帮助支持黑人企业家通过 networking opportunities, scholarships, training, pitch challenges, and important connections with business investors. 它还为攻读MBA的黑人企业主提供奖学金和指导机会. 黑人企业家的会员费从100美元到200美元不等,这取决于你创业的时间长短.

7. Accion Opportunity Fund (AOF)

AOF提供“价格合理”的商业贷款,贷款金额从5美元起,000 to $100,000, educational resources, and business coaching and mentoring. 该组织为各种各样的企业家提供支持, focusing on individuals of color, women, and low- to moderate-income individuals. 

8. U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)

需要推动和支持来度过创业初期阶段的小企业主可以从 SBA. 而小企业管理局以其商业贷款机会而闻名, 也有帮助企业主的学习资源, including information on starting, maintaining, and growing your small business. The SBA’s minority-owned business resources may be a good place to start.

9.  National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC)

对于想要与大公司建立联系的少数族裔企业主,希望使他们的供应链多样化, the NMSDC is the link for this endeavor. Not only does it operate within the United States, 它还与国际企业合作,促进全球业务. 完成认证或获得订阅可能需要一些费用. 然而,这些费用可以帮助刚起步的企业打开大门.

10. Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA)

The MBDA is a U.S. 商务部的一个机构致力于支持少数族裔企业的发展和竞争力. 该机构以获取商业资本的形式向黑人企业家提供支持, securing contracts, 甚至促进国内外的伙伴关系. 它还提供定制的业务开发和以行业为重点的服务. MBDA是一座宝贵的桥梁,将少数族裔企业家与成长和成功的机会联系起来.

Use Resources to Benefit Your Black-Owned Business

为黑人企业家提供适当的资源,对于培育多样化和繁荣的商业环境至关重要. 通过利用我上面列出的10个基本资源, Black business owners can overcome obstacles, embrace opportunities, 为更光明、更包容的创业未来铺平道路. SCORE mentors, business experts who volunteer through SCORE, 还能帮助你在创业和成功创业的各个阶段进行导航吗. Together, 我们可以创造一个生态系统,让每个企业家都能蓬勃发展,并在商业世界留下不可磨灭的印记.

About the author
Sharita Humphrey
Read full bio
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Washington, DC 20002

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